Wednesday, 13 May 2009

The Mathematics of Needle-Felting

I'm feeling very Mathematical-like today. Inspired by my reading of Stephen Hawking's "A Brief History of Time", I decided to figure out the Mathematics of Needle-Felting. I started by timing how long it takes to poke the wool 1,000 times.

Needle Felting Pokes

1 Poke 1/3 Second
100 Pokes 30 Seconds
1,000 Poke 5 Minutes
100,000 Pokes 8 Hours, 20 Minutes
1,000,000 Pokes 3 Days, 11 Hours, 20 Minutes
* *
1 Second 3.33 Pokes
1 Minute 200 Pokes
1 Hour 12,000 Pokes
1 Day 288,000 Pokes

After Posting my findings I had a friend comment & ask if I could figure out the ratio of "# of Wool Pokes (to) # of Finger Pokes". This is my response...

"I think the "# of Wool Pokes (to) # of Finger Pokes" ratio, for me, is actually the correlation between "Time of Poking (to) # of Finger Pokes". The longer I poke, the more I poke. It increases exponentially!"

I'll have to do the math & get back to you!!! HAHA - I'm a Geek!!


FELT 4U said...

You are brilliant to even think up the concept....

Anonymous said...

Aaaaaah the finger poke, lets me know I'm alive, hee hee!!